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The Royal Netherlands Brigade ‘Princess Irene’

The Royal Netherlands Brigade ‘Princess Irene’ was a Dutch military unit formed from Dutch troops who managed to escape to England in May 1940. It also included Dutch expatriates and those who escaped from occupied territories (known as “Englandvaarders”), as well as other Dutch citizens from abroad who either fulfilled their military service with the Brigade or volunteered to join. During the war, the Brigade carried out various missions. After the capitulation, the Brigade embarked on a liberation route through the Netherlands.

On May 8, the Brigade followed a route through Utrecht, Woerden, Alphen aan den Rijn, Leiden, and The Hague, where they were warmly welcomed at every stop. In The Hague, the Brigade paraded through the city, including in a Peugeot 202 Cabriolet, and was received by Mayor De Monchy.

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